A woman dies on a plane and a couple is forced to travel with the corpse next to them throughout the flight


The couple, composed of Mitchell Ring and Jennifer Colin, were flying on a Qatar Airways flight from Melbourne to Venice

The man next to the corpse covered with a blanket.
The man next to the corpse covered with a blanket.A CURRENT AFFAIR

A couple has shared on the Australian television show A Current Affair the traumatic experience they went through on a flight: a passenger died on board and the crew placed her corpse next to their seats.

The couple, composed of Mitchell Ring and Jennifer Colin, were flying on a Qatar Airways flight from Melbourne to Venice when a woman who was also on the same plane went to the bathroom and, upon returning, collapsed in the aisle of the plane, as reported by the Daily Mail. Despite the flight attendants' attempts to revive her, it was impossible, and the woman died on the spot. Given the "heartbreaking" situation, as described by the couple, the crew tried to move the body to the business class area but couldn't do so: "She was quite a large lady and they couldn't get her through the aisle," they narrate.

Faced with this situation, seeing that there were two empty seats next to Jennifer and Mitchell, they were asked to move aside to make room for the corpse right next to them, and they had to travel the entire flight next to the deceased woman. Specifically, the corpse, covered with blankets, was placed next to Mitchell Ring.

Mitchell's wife, who is very nervous, became overwhelmed by the situation, and a woman with an empty seat offered her to sit next to her, but both have expressed their indignation as they claim that the crew did not offer to relocate them.