Borrell accuses Israel of seeking an international conflict and attacks Netanyahu


The EU High Representative also asserts that the elections in Venezuela have been "stolen," and hopes that the international community will not recognize Nicolás Maduro as the country's president

European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell.
European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell.AP

Josep Borrell, still the head of European diplomacy, has raised the tone very sensitively against Israel, and has strongly criticized Benjamin Netanyahu both for wanting to generate a major international conflict and for preventing the entry of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

In an interview with Onda Cero, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy stated that he is "concerned" about the intensity of Israel's response to Iran's attacks. Borrell explained that Israeli superiority is very noticeable thanks to the "support" it receives, and pointed out that if, for example, Iranian nuclear facilities are destroyed, this country will have to respond.

He said that this will lead to a spiral in which more countries, including Russia, will become involved. In other words, a major international conflict will be triggered, which is what the Israeli Prime Minister wants, in his opinion. "Netanyahu wants a conflict, and he wants to start it from a position of strength," he stated. He then denounced the "inhuman conditions" in Gaza and once again attacked Israel.

"I have seen the humanitarian aid that Israel does not allow to enter. A green sleeping bag? No, a green one does not enter. A bag of essential medical supplies that includes a pair of scissors. No, it does not enter. A desalination plant that uses coal, obviously. No, it does not enter."

Furthermore, "I have seen warehouses and warehouses of humanitarian aid piled up, rotting, that cannot enter when on the other side of the fence there are two million people who are dying of hunger or diseases." And he concluded his attacks on Israel by saying: "Don't tell me Netanyahu that they are the most moral army in the world, and that they provide 3,000 calories per day to each Palestinian in Gaza. Come on. I don't know how to describe that."

The strong attack by the EU official, who will leave his position in a few weeks, is even more significant considering that the President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, only reacted after Israel was attacked by Iran. Before that, during the escalation and Israel's attacks, Von der Leyen remained silent.

"Stolen" Elections in Venezuela

Borrell also referred to the elections in Venezuela, and although he had already stated that Maduro's regime is "dictatorial," he went further by stating that the elections were "stolen."

He has announced that the EU will not recognize Maduro as president, and has compared what happened in Venezuela to what occurred in Belarus. "In the coming days, when he takes office, I hope that the international community does the same as with Lukashenko: non-recognition," he emphasized.