When Finns are asked about their overall life satisfaction, they score 7.74 out of 10, placing them at the top of the global ranking of the happiest countries in the world. Not only that, but they maintain this position for the eighth consecutive year. This is the conclusion of the World Happiness Report (WHR) 2025, which reviews 143 countries worldwide, coinciding with the International Day of Happiness, celebrated on March 20 since the UN General Assembly decreed it in Resolution 66/281 of 2012 to recognize the importance of happiness and well-being as universal human aspirations, as well as their inclusion in government policies.
The second place in the ranking is once again held by Denmark (which was number one in 2012, 2013, and 2016), followed by Iceland, Sweden, and the Netherlands. On the other hand, Afghanistan is the unhappiest country in the world, according to the WHR, scoring only 1.36. The score drops even further to 1.16 when it comes to the situation of women in that country. Lebanon, Lesotho, Sierra Leone, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo also rank at the bottom of the report.
The study was jointly conducted by the University of Oxford and the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) along with the analysis and consulting company Gallup, known for conducting global surveys since 1980. The parameters considered in the study include the well-being of the population, quality of life, social stability, employment levels (or rather, the extent of unemployment), access to education or public healthcare, and (low) economic inequality. In general, the survey is based on six pillars: family, income, health, freedom, generosity, and trust.
And the country leading in all these aspects is Finland, starting from Gross Domestic Product (GDP), high employment rates, gender equality, non-discrimination, and public education. Another surprising reason for many is saunas. Yes, this is where this invention, popularized worldwide, originated, and they claim to use them daily to relax , reduce stress, and look more beautiful every day. The abundance of green spaces and forests in the country also contributes to feeling good, as it boasts an unparalleled natural heritage. These are some of the essentials from their particular Happiness Guide, which does indeed exist.
On the other hand, Spain ranks 38th, with a score of 6.466 out of 10. It dropped four positions compared to 2023, staying at number 36 last year, while in 2021 it was at 24, in 2020 at 28, in 2022 at 29, and in 2023 it reached 32. Globally, it ranks 44th in monetary donations, 83rd in helping strangers, and 97th in volunteering. However, it scores much higher in social trust, ranking 13th in the belief that a neighbor would return a lost wallet and 10th if the police would do so. It drops to 41st if it were a stranger.
Gallup's Executive Director, Jon Clifton, is clear that happiness is not just about "wealth or growth, but trust, connection, and knowing that there are people who support you." In his opinion, this year's report shows that we underestimate how kind the world really is. If we want stronger communities and economies, we must invest in what truly matters: in each of us."
The report also highlights the entry into the top ten of two countries that had never achieved it before. The first is Costa Rica, which ranks 6th, up from 12th last year, already being the highest-ranked Latin American country. The second is Mexico, which now ranks tenth. Preceding them are Norway, Israel, and Luxembourg. Lithuania (16th), Slovenia (19th), and Czech Republic (20th) have also improved their positions, reaffirming Europe's rise in terms of happiness. But the ones excelling in this regard are Serbia, Bulgaria, and Georgia, which have increased their scores by 2.04, 1.67, and 1.51, respectively.
On the other end of the spectrum is the United States, which drops to 24th place, reaching its lowest position in recent years, after peaking in 2012 as the eleventh happiest country in the world. Reasons for the decline include data showing that 19% of young Americans feel they lack sufficient social support. The fact that there has been a 53% increase in the population dining alone in the nation currently governed by Donald Trump is another reason for the drop.
Furthermore, one of the reasons for being happier or less happy is the size of the household. The report shows that if it consists of four or five people, they will be happier than if they live alone, a trend especially noticeable in Latin American countries like Mexico and Europe. In fact, "social connections are vital for the well-being of young adults, as they provide a buffer against the harmful effects of stress they face daily," notes the WHR.
Regarding the global perception of citizens, the report shows that they are quite pessimistic about their financial situation, believing that the purchasing power lost in recent years will not return. However, charitable acts continue to be 10% more frequent (as in 2024) than in 2017-19 across all generations and in almost all regions of the world. Notably, fewer deaths occur in places where these acts are more common.
Another important fact to consider is that the inequality in the distribution of happiness within each state has been increasing over the past 15 years, "while at the international level it has remained constant." In this sense, the decrease in happiness and social trust in the United States and different parts of Europe combine to explain the rise of political polarization and anti-system votes, according to the study.