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Sara García Alonso: "You are not ready to be an astronaut if you are willing to risk your life just to reach Mars"


Spanish scientist from the National Center for Oncological Research (CNIO) and the first Spanish woman member of the European Space Agency reserve, shares her journey in the book 'Órbitas. Apuntes de una vida en continua exploración' (Ediciones B)

Sara García Alonso (León, 1989).
Sara García Alonso (León, 1989).ÁNGEL NAVARRETE

Why did you write 'Órbitas'?

This book responds to several motivations, all of them personal. Initially, it is a project that I had in mind since I was 15 years old, when I started questioning why I did things, why we follow social conventions, how we make decisions, if we have to choose the only path in life... I observed my surroundings and people's behaviors. And I wanted to somehow capture it in a book. Two years ago, I made the decision to fully embark on a literary project and see if I was capable of completing it.
And why orbits as a narrative vector?

The essence of the book is that perhaps there is no perfect path that leads us to an objective because there may not even be an objective as such in life. We are beings constantly evolving and changing, and if there is a guiding force in the end, we can travel thousands of trajectories, which are those orbits I refer to. In my case, that driving force has been asking questions, wanting to explore, curiosity.
To what extent do you have to pay a price for curiosity?

Curiosity didn't kill the cat [laughs]. I believe that if you also have clear values and moral boundaries, know your core and essence, you can zigzag through the paths you traverse to explore further, to let curiosity guide you. Even when you deviate into rough, more problematic areas, or face challenges or psychological issues, you somehow learn lessons and are able to overcome them and see everything with perspective. I don't think there is a price to pay in that regard. All human beings face tough moments. It's about how we overcome them and face them. In the end, it's more about attitude than circumstances. It's like when people ask me what I had to sacrifice to get where I am: my response is that I don't feel like I have given up anything; I have made decisions. Some more accurate, others less so, but all have led me to where I am. So, I wouldn't change anything in that sense.

How do you relate to extraordinariness?

In the literal sense of the word. Without wanting to sound pretentious or arrogant, I feel that I stand out from the ordinary because, voluntarily, I have sought to step out when it didn't bring me anything. That's what led me to question why I do things. Do I do them because it's expected of me, because that's what society does? I wanted to take control of my life and not be like water flowing through a channel simply because the current takes it. In that sense, perhaps I have been extraordinary, but not because I consider myself more valid, more intelligent, stronger, or anything more than the rest of human beings. I am just one among all humanity here, neither more thoughtful nor less. I have simply sought the extraordinary in my daily life, if that was what brought me something. Common grounds usually bore me.

As a Pink Floyd fan, what connection do you see between music and the movement of spheres?

I have a deep and wonderful relationship with music, but I wouldn't take it to the spiritual or... astral realm. Astrology is not my orbit, certainly. But I believe in the wonderful power of music, from channeling feelings and emotions to serving as a common ground, in this case for good, in the sense that through musical notes and song lyrics, feelings that all human beings have experienced at some point can be conveyed. This unites us and makes us feel that we are not alone in the world, that someone else has experienced that love, that nostalgia, that desolation, that intrigue, has marveled at something just like you, and has transformed it into a work of art, in this case, music.

Do you think science can encompass all human understanding or is there something beyond?

I believe that science can explain a percentage. But what it cannot explain, I do not attribute it to something divine or esoteric, but rather to the fact that we still do not have sufficient knowledge or minds prepared to understand what lies beyond. As we have advanced in technology and laid 'bricks' of knowledge, we have been able to explain more things. I believe in science, in its potential to explain natural phenomena from a reasoned perspective based on the scientific method. The fact that we are not able to achieve it through the scientific method does not mean that there is no explanation, but perhaps we have not yet reached it.

Why is someone who travels outside of Earth always asked to share what they have seen or felt?

Perhaps because the perspective of people who go to space is quite - going back to the literal term - extraordinary. In the end, very few people can experience that. And we are always curious about the lives of others, the unknown. That's why we are curious to know what celebrities or Hollywood actors and actresses do. Ultimately, anything that is somehow unique, limited, or exclusive generates curiosity. This can be seen with astronauts, who not only experience something quite unique but also leave the planet, have a different perspective, and what they have to say is of interest. However, this book has nothing to do with what an astronaut would say or not say, so if people expect that, they will be disappointed.

In an era of hyper-specialization, what can humanism contribute to an astronaut?

I believe that a person cannot be a good scientist if they do not have a general culture, which also includes general knowledge. The overspecialization to which scientists tend is necessary for research lines, but you cannot negate everything else. We live in society, and understanding different perspectives, knowing a little about everything, opens your mind, allows you to connect ideas, that famous lateral thinking that everyone is looking for in companies now. This is only possible if you nourish yourself with different areas and stimuli. Making that differentiation between being of arts or sciences, and all the prejudices and clichés associated with each of those two categories, bothers me. In fact, this book could be a plea to break that: What, if I dedicate myself to science, does that mean I can't enjoy writing? Or culture, music, cinema, literature... Furthermore, this is not only about scientists needing to know about humanities, but also vice versa: it's about understanding the world around us to realize that we all are part of it. It's sad to segregate and categorize ourselves into compartments, to be only what your label says about you.

Would you travel to Mars knowing that you might never return?

First, according to forecasts, it will still be decades before a human can go to Mars. Also, the possibility of trips where it is not planned how astronauts will return safely is inconceivable. In fact, this is something that is often asked in the selection processes of space agencies because true space enthusiasts tend to present themselves saying, "I would go to Mars, even if they told me I wouldn't return to Earth alive. I would sacrifice myself." That person is not psychologically prepared to be an astronaut.

Do you think about death?

No. And I have a lot of trust in all the professionals behind the construction of a space mission, from how the launchers are assembled to all the engineering behind the spacecraft. Obviously, there is a risk of mortality, but that risk exists the moment you leave your house and cross a street. This is just another job. It's true that the sensation you experience when you are propelled at that speed with tons of fuel exploding beneath you, well, it gives you some pause. But fear of death? Not at all.

What do you learn in this process?

I am learning in many aspects of my life, as I am meeting all kinds of profiles, moving in all kinds of sectors, living all kinds of lives. And I, being a 'sponge' trying to absorb everything around me, see it as a very particular learning experience. In the end, if you go with your eyes, ears, and mind wide open, you learn lessons from the people around you. In my case, I am having many opportunities.

How would you define the people with whom you share this adventure?

We have several things in common that I have been able to detect. Firstly, little vanity and quite humility. Being very aware that the team's objective will always be above your individual interests and desires. Having the commitment to prioritize the mission over what you desire. And the ability to remain calm under pressure. And always trying to approach problems with optimism, a proactive attitude, and based on communication.

You are a role model for many girls and young people. How do you experience this?

I feel a sense of responsibility. And I have to handle that with caution because they are watching the steps I take. And with me, there is also something, and that is that I detest telling people what to do, giving advice. Because I believe that each person is unique, and their way of seeing the world is not necessarily how the world is. There are no magic formulas, simple solutions, or advice that you can write on a mug and give to everyone. That is another essence of the book: I'm not going to tell you what the perfect path is because I don't believe it exists. I'm not going to tell you what the achievement of your dreams and goals is. Because that goal is not the same when you are 10, 15, 20, or 60 years old. We are changing beings, learning lessons, and growing as human beings. I can share my values, as I have been this way since I was a child. And those values are related to courage, daring to explore and pursue what motivates us, not remaining static questioning all doors and which one is most suitable to open. Also being kind, developing empathy with others.